Ninja Warrior Competitions

Move Sport Ninja Academy is located in Austin, TX.

2025 Competitions


UNAA - 2024\2025 - Season 10

New or Adjusted Rules are in Bold.

This guide helps summarize UNAA rules and guidelines so that UNAA Gyms and members have an easier time knowing the key points to being in the UNAA!

Area Qualifiers will be held by all UNAA (Ultimate Ninja Athlete Association) qualified gyms at dates of their choosing based upon scheduling availability with UNAA. Each Area qualifier will advance the TOP 3 OR 50% of each class, whichever is Greater.

Regionals will advance the TOP 3 or TOP 20% from each class to World Finals. UNAA requires that all gyms who are accepted into the UNAA abide by our rules.

Participant Information

One big change for Season 9, is UNAA no longer has the $25 Membership fee. From now on , when you sign up for a Competition , the entry fee includes the membership/participant fee. So from your first comp going forward, it will track all your comps and points in Ninja Master for the Leaderboard and qualifying! We are looking forward to an incredible Season 9. And Now EVERYONE who competes has a chance to qualify!!

You must be 6 or older to compete in UNAA.  Age is determined on how old they are on January 1, 2024 for ALL age groups.  This is in coordination with Ninja USA,  the NGB to meet the requirements of Olympic inclusion. 

All athletes for the 2023-2024 Season 9 shall compete in their appropriate class.    Any athletes in the Age group classes may move up to the next age group if they so choose.   Once they have moved up to that class, they MUST remain in that class for the duration of the year. Each course is age appropriate and if an athlete competes up – no accommodations will be made for height adjustments.

Athletes must CHOOSE ONE Class to compete in and will remain in that class for duration of the season. 13+ may compete in Amateur or Pro class if they so choose,  but will HAVE to remain in the that class for duration of season.     

Competing in multiple classes in NOT allowed!


We are proud to host even more opportunities for ALL ninjas to have a chance to compete. We host these fun comps as a way for ninjas to Increase their overall competition experience. These comps are open to the public and we encourage all ninja athletes to participate. In some cases a league registration may be required through the governing body. Example: A UNAA athlete may also have to register with the Texas Ninja League separately to acquire TNL League points. All leagues for 2024 are tiered competitions, meaning they will advance towards the next phase. All leagues are split into specific age brackets.

Austin Ninja Warrior Competitions




MARCH 1ST-9TH, 2025


UNAA Regionals MARCH 29TH



Scroll down below to register